As I continue on my journey through all of my various blogs a certain climax of my joking/sarcastic/self centered writing style is reached with the my life lessons blog and the best friends/ Anthony Kiedis blog. In the life lessons blog I talk about my parents and how they raised me to be a very kind and accepting individual. In reality I'm not the most accepting person in the world. I try to be, but I definetly have my slip ups every alot in a while. During that blog in particular I used two different sides of emotion to get the assignment completed. There's one side of me being very dramatic and a bit cheesy, talking about my parents and how they raised me. While there's the other side of me comenting on the whole thing with quite a large amount of sarcasm (which could be hard for alot of people to understand if they don't know me that well). Moving on to my blog about Anthony Kiedis. Ahh this was an interesting one. Instead of writing a blog about one best friend (which would be a little bit wierd for me because I don't have one "best friend") I wrote a blog about one of my favorite musicians, Anthony Kiedis the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, pretending he was my best friend. I pretty much showed my true colors in this blog taking an assignment that didn't really interest me and turning it into a subject that did interest me. Now of course I was assuming that Mrs. Gilman didn't know anything about the Red Hot Chili Peppers or Anthony Kiedis and of course I was wrong, but I wasn't too worried about that. I thought of it as a good thing that Mrs. Gilman knew who Anthony Kiedis was, most people don't. I got full credit too I'm pretty sure.
Now it is time to wrap everything up. It is the conclusion to the conclusion of all of my blogs. The blogs were a good thing. They were a quick way to get your initial idea on the page without the toture of re-editing and revising that many other writing assignments brought. Although I prefered writing about things focused on me opposed to the prompts that dealt with theme and literature those weren't too much of a pain either. To end it all I want to show a picture of my favorite band Radiohead with some lyrics from one of thier songs because I feel it is an appropriate legacy for me to leave behind with my blog writing career.

Used to be alright
what happened?
etcetera etcetera
There's alot of hidden symbolism, theme and motif in that line.
(not really)