Thursday, May 13, 2010

Summer Reading

Well I have a lot of books in mind to read over the summer but I never really get the motivation to start them usually because I'm too busy doing nothing. The first book I would like to read is "Room Full of Mirrors" a biography on Jimi Hendrix by Charles R. Cross. Now both of my books I'm going to write about are music centered and that's because that's what I like to read about. I'm really fascinated about Hendrix's life and death. His life seemed so carefree and so spontaneous, I'm really interested to learn more about it. The next book I want to read is "This is your Brain on Music" by Daniel J. Levitin. Credit for the idea to read this book goes to my sweet compadre Quinn Mau. The theory of how music effects the brain, to me, is mind blowing. I really don't understand how something like music can give you so many emotions and make you feel so many different things. I want to become more informed on this subject.


  1. I heard that " A room full of MIrrors" was really good. I'm interested in maybe reading that one myself. Good luck and i hope you learn something from it.

  2. Interesting selection... The second one sounds really cool. Mebbe I'll check it out.
